Friday, October 14, 2005

We are here!

Whew! It is 6:20 on Friday evening here (6:20 am at home) and we just checked into our hotel room. We are pooped! Morgan slept a grand total of 2.5 hours and I even less. Mike, of course, dozed quite a bit off and on. We will be hitting the bed (if you call it that - the largest beds are slightly bigger than a twin). Neither one of us has given in to sleeping with the little monster as there is no way we could sleep comfortably with one another. We experienced quite a bit today - the public restrooms - long story for later and customs. The customs people were very much like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld. No eye contact and no direction so, we just handed our stuff and slid on down. Morgan is excited as ESPN is in our current hotel room. Yes, he came to China to be excited about ESPN (we don't have cable at home). He did say that he wished he would get to see Rylee today and not have to wait. Big day tomorrow - 7:30 am til evening. Best go as our battery is running low. Good night!

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