Monday, October 3, 2005

Morgan's Treasures

9 more days! Morgan is growing very excited! He is constantly drawing pictures for Rylee or finding something that he thinks Rylee might like. As you can see, he has been gathering treasures for her -- These are only the ones that I could locate in a matter of minutes as I am trying to post before it is time to pick him up from school. He has been into panda bears since he found out that they are from China. He has panda bear stickers to give her, a panda bear ring he got at the drs. office after his allergy shot, and a panda bear mask he made at school. The yellow Care Bear is what he wants to give her when he meets her for the first time. The outfit is the one that he picked out just for her! I wish you could have seen him pick it out (complete with a little hat) and walk right up to the register to pay. Mike and I were still shopping and we look over at the register and he is taking care of business. The book he found this weekend with Grams and PaPa. The toy is what he picked out for her first birthday. The pictures are quite funny - The one on the left includes the Great Wall and our soon-to-be family - Oh, I am riding a panda bear and Mike is the one with spiked hair. The picture in the middle is of Morgan playing football outside (surprise...) and Rylee is yelling out the window for Morgan. The last picture is of a ladybug telling the panda bear that she wants a baby. Oh, I hope he will be this excited once she is home! :o) Best go and get him from school...Until later...

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