Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Top Ten

7 more days!
The other night I experienced something that I had never experienced before and that got me to thinking that I need to scrapbook a page for Rylee entitled "Top Ten Things You Need To Know About Living With 'The Boys' ". Amazing, that one close call can inspire a scrapbook page. Let's just say that I got up in the middle of the night and didn't turn on any lights so as not to disturb the boys...

So, here goes in the David Letterman fashion...

Top Ten Things You Need To Know About Living With 'The Boys'

10. In a few years you will understand the saying, Boys Will Be Boys!
9. When watching sports with the guys, you must yell at the TV. Afterall, the players and coaches can hear you.
8. PaPa loves a good salute.
7. Simply saying "Let's go shopping" will bring them to tears.
6. Cover your ears if there is a VW within a 1 mile radius as you will hear a shrill like you have never heard before.
5. Dinner out to them means a meal at Fazoli's.
4. The only mail that matters to them is the first Saturday of the month - Sports Illustrated arrives.
3. They love a good wrestling match!
2. Always check the toilet seat before sitting down, especially in the middle of the night.
1. They are great at spoiling us girls!

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