Thursday, September 8, 2005

Be Still

I have debated whether or not to share this on the blog, but do want to keep it as a record of our experience. Thus, I am posting my experience this morning. There is a song out that has the words "Be still and know I am God" in the lyrics that seems to be on the radio everytime we are experiencing a bump in our adoption journey. This has been over the course of a couple of years. Anyways, the lyrics came to me this morning while emptying the dishwasher. So, I figured I should go and get my Bible and see what I could find about being "still". Well, I look it up and there were two verses specifically that I looked up. The first one was Psalm 46:10 which is exactly the lyrics to the song. The other was Mark 4:39 which is when Jesus and the disciples are in the boat in the midst of a storm. Jesus says to the waves "Quiet. Be still!" I had to laugh as I can see God up there watching me run up and down the stairs, like a crashing wave, checking emails and do this and that with my anxious/nervous energy, thinking "WHAT A LUNATIC"! Like ocean waves, I can not control them...However, I can sit back, relax, and enjoy them and let God be God!!

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