Saturday, July 9, 2005


With the July 4th holiday behind us and the end of the month drawing near, we figured that we should probably begin nesting. We still continue to do all of the home improvement projects (painting, organizing, etc) that have been on our "to do list" and we have officially begun preparing the nursery and going through all of the baby stuff that has taken over our storage room. Since we have gotten rid of none of Morgan's baby stuff, we have quite a project ahead of us - sorting, cleaning, etc. Today, Morgan put together the crib with very little help from Dad. Assembling the crib has brought up his excitement level another notch!! There have been no new rumors on the message boards so, we do not have any idea when we should expect referrals. We are very confident, however, that we are in the next batch and are hoping they arrive in July. Hopefully, the days til our referral will pass quickly! We certainly have enough things to keep us busy until that day.

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